Holding on to Anger
Holding on to Anger
When you’re angry at someone, and they don’t know it, only you are having a bad day. They’re fine. Nothing upsetting for them. Clueless. And if you confront them, you may cause a momentary riff that will never be forgotten by either of you. That could compromise the future relationship by a few percentage points – but it will never be 100% again.
The only person you can change, is YOU. So get over it. Realize that the things that you’re thinking that are making you angry are making the days you’re going through less than they could be. The Buddha said: “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
So look out your window. Look at your calendar. Look at your kids or your colleagues or even your manicurist or hairdresser. And see the potential for having a good day without the anger you’re feeling. And let it go. As my son once said to me: “If you’re angry and can do something about it, then do something about it. And if you can’t, let it go.”