


At a conference of 1000 women, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company got up to deliver the first inspirational message to encourage us to make huge changes that would be good for us and the organization. He said, “Today the world changed in thousands of ways. If you did not change one thing, you’re a day behind.

Change is hard. When things seem to be working, we often don’t even think about changing anything. And then suddenly, vinyl becomes CDs and then CDs become iTunes. And a Walkman becomes an iPod and an iPod become a Smartphone. And all the vinyl is selling for 10 cents apiece at a yard sale. And when do we discover we need to make the change? When you can’t even buy the needle for your turntable?

Some of us are the first to try something new. Maybe we hear about it from someone we trust. Maybe we see it in the media. What does it take for you to change something before it gets old?

I was working with a man who always buys used cars. He said that the fun for him is knowing what neat features he can look forward to as each new car comes out. But by the time he gets his next car, the features are old hat and some don’t work the way they did when they were new. Some can’t even be fixed because the parts are outdated. So he’s always driving something that isn’t 100%.

Being open to change isn’t only about finally making a change. It’s about being open to something new as soon as it arrives. It’s about figuring out how it might improve your business or your career or your life. It’s about staying youthful and current. It’s about being perceived as “with it.” Your staff and your peers and your customers and clients will see it and want to work with you.

If you show up with old ideas, all your clients or customers will think they’re getting is a tired strategy.

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